“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others? But we can revise that to add: What are you doing for yourself?” – Maya Angelou’s wisdom reminds us that each new year brings the opportunity to prioritize both. As a woman in my 30s and approaching my 40s, I understand the...
Back in May of this year, Amy (CEO and founder of Compt) and I caught up. The team, product, and demand for employee stipends have grown exponentially since I left back in mid-2021. In just the last couple of years, employee stipends went from being a “nice-to-have” at organizations to now being a “need-to-have” lifestyle...
Many years ago, I heard a story that’s stayed with me ever since. It was this: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf is evil – he is...
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” — Albert Einstein Part of understanding the problem is making sure you’re asking the right questions. Unfortunately, we’re not taught in school how to ask ourselves better questions. Our natural inclination is...
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” — Abraham Lincoln To do something well, you need to prepare. And part of preparing to have an incredible year is to reflect on the last year, capture highlights, identify learnings, and turn all of this...
Originally published at https://www.thrivecoaching.io. If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions. — Albert Einstein Part of understanding the problem is making sure you’re asking the right questions. Unfortunately, we’re not taught in school how to ask ourselves better questions. Our...
How fast do these things biodegrade if left in the environment? Vegetables? 5 days – 1 monthPaper? 2–5 monthsOrange peels? 6 monthsTin cans? 50–100 yearsStyrofoam cups? 500 years to foreverPlastic bags? 500 years to forever 500 years to forever 500 years to forever 500 years to forever 500 years to forever 500 years to forever...
If you’re new to HR marketing/sales, then you know there’s a lot to learn. This is especially true for the majority of us who weren’t in HR or people Operations before. An excellent way to learn about the function is to immerse yourself in their world. One way I made the transition from marketing to...
Recently, I had the pleasure to join Remington Begg and Dan Moyle of Impulse Creative on their brilliant podcast, Wayfinding Growth. If you’re not familiar with the format, they interview authors like Chris Lochhead author of Play Bigger and founders Wistia’s Chris Savage, Tettra’s Nelson Joyce and me about our growth stories. The theme is...