Recently our Academy team at HubSpot released a whole new way for marketers to get ahead of the curve and get the marketing job of their dreams – and it’s by becoming certified through the Inbound Marketing Certification program.

The benefits of the program, you ask.

  1. Well for starters – it doesn’t cost you a thing (yup, no lofty school loans needed).
  2. Also, the information provided in the 9 one-hour long classes will take your marketing knowledge to a whole new level. You’ll learn how the intricacies of the inbound marketing methodology to help you to attract visitors, convert leads, close customers and delight the promoters.
  3. The content covered is on the bleeding edge of inbound marketing encouraging those involved to truly earn the honor and title of being Inbound Marketing Certified. (Trust me – it’s a small but worthy percentage who are passing this exam, too.)
  4. And course, if you pass you’ll gain access to a pretty cool badge to tout on your website, LinkedIn profile, resume or anywhere else you see fit. Additionally, passing gives you access to a special LinkedIn group to connect with other thought-leaders in the inbound marketing world.

Want to hear more benefits? Check out Weidert’s article on the “Top 10 Benefits of Being Inbound Marketing Certified.”

inbound marketing methodology HubSpot

How do I know all this? Well, I teach the very first class on Optimizing your Website. The content introduced talks about things that many throughout the Internet world are just started now starting to discuss. For example, the Internet marketing world traditionally thought of website optimization in terms of SEO (search engine optimization).  That is no longer the case. Marketers and designers alike are realizing that an optimized website should mean – optimized for the user. They’re the ones buying your product or services, not search engines.

Because of this much-needed shift in website optimization – buyer personas are no longer optional for businesses, they’re necessary.  Personas will help lead us on the path to proper design and content that speaks to them (the most lucrative ones). Then finalize your website’s optimization by making sure your fundamental keywords (and of course content) are optimized for searchers and search engines alike.

One last thing – even today this is still a fairly new concept  – try typing in “Optimizing your website for…” into a Google search and see what is auto suggested.  There is nothing about users.

optimizing your website for searchers autosuggest
Consumers buy your products and services, search engines don’t.


Tons of great content has already been covered on the Inbound Marketing Certification program – just check out some of the following related articles:

Ready to start your journey to becoming Inbound Marketing Certified? Of course you are. Become Inbound Marketing Certified today.


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