If you’re new to HR marketing/sales, then you know there’s a lot to learn. This is especially true for the majority of us who weren’t in HR or people Operations before.
An excellent way to learn about the function is to immerse yourself in their world. One way I made the transition from marketing to marketers at HubSpot to marketing to HR was to sign up for the most popular content that people operations professionals are learning from. This not only gives you insight into what’s going for them, but it keeps you abreast of the most essential HR news, trends, topics, data, and more. These insights fuel your marketing, your messaging, your positioning, your content, your conversations — everything you do.
Below is a list of suggested content that I encourage every new team member at Compt to sign up for/subscribe to when joining our team.
NOTE: This list is by no means comprehensive, but if you see something I should add, send me a message on Twitter (@sbedrick). And if you’d like to join the People Ops marketers slack I created filled with folks from Lola, Employee Cycle, Robin, LearnLux, Humanyze and more — ping me on Twitter.
HR/POPs Newsletters:
- Compt: https://tinyletter.com/compt
- Human-Times: http://human-times.com/index.php/subscribe-to-human-times/ (my #1 fav)
- Adam Grant (well-known behavioral psychologist, author of Givers and Takers, Plan B, and more) https://www.adamgrant.net/newsletter (my #2 fav)
- Culture Amp: https://hello.cultureamp.com/subscribe-to-the-people-geekly
- SHRM’s weekly: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-news/pages/hr-newsletters.aspx
- TLNT https://www.tlnt.com/
- A bunch more found here: https://www.compt.io/hr-articles/hr-newsletters
Content syndications:
- Sign up for medium and customize your auto-generated emails: (I’ve already done this so I don’t know how to do it from scratch, LMK if you can’t figure it out): https://medium.com/me/following/suggestions
- HBR: https://hbr.org/topics?ab=Topics-Links-Popular_Topics (Sign up for SUBJECTS: Human Resources, Organizational Culture, Managing Organizations, managing people, Work-life balance, Workspaces, Personnel Policies, and anything else that you want)
HR Slack communities:
- Culture first from Culture Amp: https://hello.cultureamp.com/slack-channel-for-people-geeks
- Humans by Lattice: https://lattice.com/humans
- #people hashtagpeople.slack.com
- Responsive Org: https://responsiveorg.herokuapp.com/